About Us

For the past 35 years, the Seagull Foundation for the Arts (estd 1987) has been actively supporting and nurturing the arts in India—especially the fine arts, theatre and cinema—out of a deep conviction and commitment to the belief that the arts are everyone’s responsibility. These have been years of promoting collaborative and experimental activity across and within disciplines, functioning as a production unit, providing support systems, networking, exhibiting, sponsoring, designing, printing and publishing, and making available documentation and critical commentary across the arts.

Seagull Books (estd 1982) has been crafting books with an eye to both exceptional content and  radical design. What began as an instinctive and highly risky business of publishing books—books on theatre, visual arts, alternative cinema, philosophy, culture—continues to be a passionately felt need of the hour: manuscripts that need to see the light of day, to reach a readership, to stimulate minds, to change outlooks.

The Seagull Foundation for the Arts, in association with Seagull Books, has established the Seagull School of Publishing in order to share publishing skills and philosophy with those who may wish to take up a career in the industry.

Funded by the International Relief Fund for Organisations in Culture and Education 2021 of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Goethe-Institut and other partners. Goethe.de/relieffund